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Curriculum Subject Overview

At Stag Lane Primary, through teaching the National Curriculum, we seek to provide the teaching and learning to develop a wide range of skills in each of the subject areas. The National Curriculum defines the programmes of study for key subjects in maintained/ state primary and secondary schools in England (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own equivalents). Fundamentally, it sets out what your child is supposed to learn and when. The National Curriculum is divided into sections called Key Stages. Children aged 6 and 7 years follow Key Stage 1. Children aged 8 -11 years follow Key Stage 2.

Please check the links below to see what your child will be studying this term.

Year 4 - Overviews

Autumn Whole Term

Spring Whole Term


Year 5 - Overviews

Autumn Whole Term

Spring Whole Term


Year 6 - Overviews

Autumn Whole Term

Spring Whole Term