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Learning from home

Thank you to those families who have identified themselves as Critical workers and for completing the survey.
Please click here to see what jobs are classed as Critical Workers and for the definition of Vulnerable families.
Some of you will have experienced our remote learning approach last term when Class Bubbles self-isolated. We are now writing to you to clarify how online learning will work for your children.
Our aim is:
  • For all our children to maintain their positive mental health
  • Have continuity in learning from school to home
  • Feel ready to transition back into full-time schooling once the Government confirms it is safe to do so.

How will Online Learning work?

Pre-recorded lessons will be delivered via your child’s online learning platform SEESAW. The pre-recorded videos will be uploaded every morning by 8.30am.
If you require a reminder of your log-in, please email the school office office@staglaneprimary.co.uk
Click HERE to find a video tutorial on our website. Alternatively, please see the attached PDF below.

How many hours a day will my child be expected to be learning?

We will provide a minimum of 3 lessons a day with tasks and activities to complete.
Families may wish to do additional activities. We suggest you use The Oak National Academy

How will children receive feedback, and how often?

Teachers will provide feedback on work submitted via SEESAW, at least once a day – to all children. Feedback can be provided via an emoji, written comment, etc. Additional rewards may be given as agreed by the Year group. Remember that teachers are always looking for their star of the half term!
There will be times that older children will be able to mark their own work.
There is an expectation that children complete the work on the day it is set and that it is uploaded within at least 48 hours. Providing feedback remotely is very time consuming and this will help teachers manage this workload. Work submitted after this time may not be marked.

What learning resources will you provide, and how will my child access these?

Your child will have taken home a pack of learning resources earlier this term, which included an exercise book. We can provide you with this pack if your child was absent; just email the school office.
Everything will be online via SEESAW, uploaded every morning. This means you can view it online or could download/print online. Your child could use the exercise book, from the pack.
We are asking parents to provide a quiet space where school work can take place without interruption (where possible).

What contact will I or my child have with school?

On SEESAW the children can ask questions, which teachers can respond to during their working hours. Parents can also use this to ask teachers questions.
Teaching staff are available between 930-3.00 Mondays; Tuesday to Thursday and 9.00 to 3.15pm and on Friday 9.00am until 12 noon only.
Please be mindful that teachers are teaching in school too, or recording lessons so cannot instantly respond to learning from home queries but will do their best.
You may receive phone calls from teachers, office staff, Learning Mentors or Senior Leaders. We will ask after your well-being, speak to your child (with you present) and ensure that home learning is taking place.

How as parents/carers can we manage this with multiple children at home?

We know some families will have between 2 and 7 children and young people at home due to school and college closures. Therefore, we have mapped a timetable of roughly how you can organise the children’s day. This will be uploaded onto your child’s SEESAW.
However, we appreciate that shared devices may make home learning a challenge. If you need an additional device, please contact the school office by email or telephone.
We may also be able to help with internet access.
If you prefer to have written packs instead, please email the school office to make this request.

What should we all expect from my child?

It’s important that your child engages with learning from home, following the timetable, and works to a routine. We suggest you ask your child to wear there uniform each day so they realise that they are doing school work. If they aren’t engaging with the learning, we’ll use the following strategies to provide additional support:
  • Phone call home
  • Increased feedback and motivational incentives

What can I do as the parent/carer to help my child?

We appreciate that this time presents challenges for you. We kindly ask for your support so that we can continue to provide high-quality education for your child during this time, even from home.
Younger children in particular may need support in accessing online materials and staying focused with their remote learning. We ask that you help them as much as you can.
At the same time, we don’t expect you to watch your child all day, and we wouldn’t expect parents/carers to get involved in remote lessons in place of our teachers. But, it would be really helpful if you can take an active role in your child’s learning by asking them about their day and what they’ve learned and check that they have done what they say they have done!
Our top tips:
  • Try to encourage your child to be ready and dressed (preferably in their uniform), and to keep to their timetable
  • Distinguish between weekdays and weekends, and make it clear when the school day is over, to separate home and school life e.g., change out of uniform at the end of the school day timings
  • Plan breaks and exercise into the day to help keep your child active. This is also on class timetables
  • Please keep in touch with us and do let us know if you’re having any difficulties with remote learning, or if you have any questions

How will you maintain your duty to safeguard?

We expect daily contact with all children as we do when school runs as normal.
If your child is unwell (whether learning from home or in-school) please phone the school office as normal to inform of “absence from school work”.
We will be addressing no online attendance (or absence in-school when the child should be attending), through telephone calls, home visits and if we do not have engagement from families a referral to Children’s Services will be made.
The important point is we are committed to your child, their learning, their mental health and wellbeing and safety. We must have engagement from parents/carers to ensure we work together for your child.

What are the lunch arrangements if I have free lunch entitlement?

At home – if your child has a free school meal entitlement linked to benefits, a food voucher will be sent out covering the school days they will not be in school. Please be patient while we set this up again.
Please be reminded that these vouchers are NOT to be used for anything else other than food choices for your children.

What help is there for families with challenges?

The Government’s Covid Winter Grant Scheme is in place if families have difficulties in accessing food or paying household bills. Application and access to this support is through Harrow Council.

COVID-19 update for SEN

Click here to view our COVID-19 UPDATE for SEN Information report 2020-2021.
Thank you for your continued support. And thank you also to my amazing staff team who are working around the clock to do the best we can for the children at Stag Lane.