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Admission Form and Policies

Please click on the document below and complete our electronic admission form. This document will give us the required information to set your child up on our systems. Please complete and email to admissions@staglaneprimary.co.uk.

Please read this selection of policy documents below. They cover important information about the policies that govern our school;

The Privacy Notice 2021 is about how we use data about you and your child.

Our Complaints Procedure details the process should you need to make a formal complaint.

The Child Protection Leaflet for Parents provides you with all the information you need to know about our procedures for safeguarding.

The Charging & remissions policy explains our approach to voluntary contributions.

Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people from supporting terrorist or extremist causes.

Click here for our Online Safety section.

Please click here if you want to view an extended list of our school policies.