School opening for children of Critical Workers & Vunerable children
The school will only remain open for children who are vulnerable or where a parent is a critical worker during this pandemic. If you are uncertain, please click HERE for details.
What time shall I bring my child to school?
What time shall I collect my child from school?
MONDAY - Thursday: 3.00pm
End of Day on Fridays: 12.15pm (straight after lunch)
What entrance shall I use to bring my child to school and collect them?
Which staff will be in school?
At least one Senior Leader
At least one designated safeguarding lead
At least two First Aiders on site
10 Teaching Assistants and/ Learning Mentors
Lunchtime supervisors
Office Team (who are will be available from 8.30 – 3.15pm)
Additional Teaching Assistants to support those children who have an EHCP
At least one site caretaker/Manager
Will my child be in their class bubble?
What should my child wear to school? What should my child bring to school?
Uniform must be worn every day.
Please wear layers underneath as we will be keeping the building well ventilated
Warm coat – as children will be going outside
Bring a water bottle to school every day
Bring a packed lunch (if you are not having a school packed lunch)
No large Ruck-sacks, please
What will my child be learning every day?
The day will resemble a school day. Your children will follow the same timetable and complete the same work as uploaded on SEESAW, for children who are learning at home.
Their teachers will provide feedback in exactly the same way as if they were learning remotely. In addition, all Year Group Bubbles will have a specialist PE coach, a specialist Art teacher and a specialist music teacher some time during the week.
What are the lunch arrangements if I have free lunch entitlement?
How will you maintain your duty to safeguard?
What do I do if my child is unwell and cannot come to school?
- If your child is unwell or you will not be able to bring your child in, due to self-isolation, please call the school office before 9.00am to let us know
- As you have committed to this offer of in –school learning, your child is expected to attend on the days you have told us. If your child is absent we will mark it in the register as absent. If we do not hear from you by 9.15am we will phone you. If we cannot contact you this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence
- If your child is unwell while in school with a new and persistent cough or with temperature above 37.8 degrees Celsius we will follow our procedures and call you immediately. Please make sure we have your correct contact details
How are you reducing the new variant transmission risk if my child is coming into school?
With few children in school during this closure, a 2m gap between children and staff to be the standard, with gaps of 1m an exception for a very limited amount of time.
Staff to wear face coverings/ protective visors at all times
Staff working with our most vulnerable children to wear full PPE at all times
Children can wear a face covering if their parent/carer wishes
One-way systems & staggered timings
Ventilation & outdoor learning when possible
Children from Year2 sit in rows and sanitise desks before and after each lesson
Commitment to handwashing and sanitising hands regularly
Use of lidded bins for tissues/wipes
Isolation rooms as soon as a child/adult shows any COVID symptoms
If a child or staff member linked to an in-school bubble teste positive for COVID, then Public Health England guidance commences. This means all close contacts will have to stay at home for 10 days from when symptoms started/last exposure date.