Stag Lane Remote Learning Contingency Plan – COVID-19
The COVID – 19 pandemic impacts on all aspects of our lives and it is currently unclear what will happen in the future. To ensure we are fully prepared for all eventualities, the aim of this plan is to give all stakeholders clear understanding of their roles, in the event of any partial or full school closure, to ensure pupils to continue to learn.
Full Closure of Stag Lane
In the event of a full or part closure
• Children already have exercise books to record their learning in.
• They also have an equipment pack which includes writing implements and other learning tools appropriate to their age and stage, e.g. pencil, writing pen, purple pen ruler, rubber, sharpener, dry-wipe board pen, white board, number square, number line
• A list of their logins to appropriate online learning platforms eg TTRockstars. Mathletics, bug club
The Headteacher and Senior Leadership team will:
• Ensure those families entitled to Free School Meals will be provided with food in line with Government guidance
• Ensure the home learning tasks set are to a high standard in line with year group expectations so that learning is seamless from class teaching
• Ensure DEVICES are provided for children
• Monitor the staff phone logs to ensure vulnerable families are called regularly and any issues are followed up.
• Monitor the engagement of pupils learning
• Monitor the QUALITY of children’s interaction with remote learning
• Monitor CPOMS regularly - for safeguarding issues
• Communicate regularly with families through Weekly Newsletters and Covid Update letters
• Organise events to promote Stag Lane spirit in the community, e.g. decorating the gates if appropriate
• Meet at least weekly with staff to address any positives and next steps (this would be by ZOOM, and separate meetings with YGL)
• Respond to parents queries and concerns
• Ensure the day to day running of ‘remote’ education and the learning and safety of those on the school site if appropriate (Key Worker and Vulnerable Pupils)
Class Teachers will:
• Follow their class remote learning timetable for all subjects and upload timetable on SEESAW -the school’s virtual platform
• Hold a registration/touch base session once a week to allow pupils to share their feelings and say hello
• Provide either pre-recorded remote lessons or provide links to Oak Academy remote lessons to explain concepts and ensure pupils understand their learning tasks
• Provide feedback to pupils on all their uploaded learning in line with agreed policy
• Provide additional support for children/parents through Seesaw depending on need or request
• Provide differentiated work for pupils with SEN in consultation with TAs and SENDco
• Share a pre-recorded story time each day (years N to 2)
• Speak with all pupils at least, through phone calls and keep a log
• Interact with children and parents via chat on Seesaw
• Monitor the daily engagement of pupils and contact the families of those not engaging to offer support
• Log any safeguarding concerns on CPOMS and ensure member of the Safeguarding Team has noted your input and acted
• Hold daily HELP DESK via Microsoft Teams
Teaching Assistants will:
• Support the learning of pupils they usually work with in school and provide additional work to help SEN children reach their targets. This will be in partnership with the classteacher
• Support the class teacher they usually work with
• Record story time sessions
• Make weekly phone calls to pupils to check on their learning and well-being as directed by the class teacher
• Assist teachers to marking work on ‘Seesaw’- -under their direction
• Log any safeguarding concerns on CPOMS
Safeguarding Team, including Learning Mentors will:
• Call identified families regularly to offer support and check on children’s well-being
• Liaise with outside agencies, eg social worker as needed
• Take part in remote CIN and CP meetings as appropriate
• Conduct home visits to families we are unable to contact or who are causing concern
• Monitor CPOMS on a daily basis and follow up any concerns promptly
Pupils will:
• Log on to SEESAW each morning as written in their timetable
• Watch all of the learning videos and complete the learning set by their teacher each day and upload their learning as requested by the teacher – photograph/video etc
• Watch their story time each day
• Use on line resources such as Bug Club, TT Rockstars, Mathletics and any other resources provided by school.
• If children do not have devises we will lend them one or provide paper packs of work.
Parents will:
• Set a clear routine with each child using the timetable provided by class teachers
• Read all communications from Stag Lane to ensure they are fully aware and up to date with news
• Support their children to complete all of the learning set
• Liaise with school staff and seek support on behalf of their child when needed, with class teacher via SEESAW or email to
• Ensure courtesy and politeness to any member of staff within any communication
• Provide access to the learning offered for their children or tell the school of any issues so the school can act promptly to help.
• Support their children by emailing the teacher pictures of completed work for assessment and feedback where this is appropriate
Key Worker & Vulnerable Children, in case of full closure:
If it is appropriate for Stag Lane to be open to Key Worker and Vulnerable Pupils, they will be placed into Bubbles with at least 4 consistent members of staff. They will complete all SEESAW remote learning set by their class teachers on iPads/computers whilst at school.
Class Closures/Partial Closure
If a class, a Bubble, a number of classes, or a number of Bubbles have to close due to a positive COVID-19 test, then they will follow the procedure described for full CHPA closure as above.
Key Workers and Vulnerable Pupils would not be on site, if they are part of any closed group due to a positive COVID19 test.
If the class teacher is ill and unable to work, another member of staff usually the Year Group Leader will take over their role and ensure the remote learning is set up and running as described.
I hope you find this information clear and helpful.
Stay Safe!