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Remote Education Provision Information for parents

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education at Stag Lane Primary School where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts, or bubbles to remain at home.

Aims of our Remote Learning provision

  • Ensure consistency in the school’s approach to remote learning
  • Provide high quality learning provision for any child unable to attend school
  • Set out clear expectations for all members of the school community with regards to remote learning
  • Provide a detailed framework for parents and carers to support their children to fully access remote learning
  • Provide appropriate guidelines for data protection and safeguarding for all stakeholders
The remote curriculum: What is taught to pupils at home?
There will be some difference in provision based on the circumstances of the isolation i.e. whether it is a whole bubble/class closure or single pupil isolating. or a national Lockdown
All teachers will create a weekly timetable of work for their year group in liaison with year group partners. This will mirror the teaching during the school day and will cover the following subject areas: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, RE, PSHE, Art, French and Music. Links will also be made to other subject where appropriate.
High quality taped videos with quality power points will be provided to aid online learning. Differentiated tasks, activities and worksheets will also be provided to ensure all children can access the work.
Teachers will also support learning by choosing appropriate videos and lessons from Oak Academy, White Rose or Times Table Rockstars to support daily their teaching in different subject areas.
Each pupil will be given access to a range of high quality online Reading resources which are differentiated according to individual need eg Epic Read
In addition to the planned support, for families with less access to IT:
All pupils will have received a Home learning pack of resources to use for home learning including an excercise book , a white board and stationary including rulers to aid home learning. Pupils will also receive workbooks where work can be recorded and returned to school.
In the case of a National Lockdown work will be set weekly and photocopied and parents can collect the work from school weekly.
Pupils are invited to send all completed work to teachers via SEESAW for comments and feedback, or it should be returned to school when children return.
Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?
We are committed to teaching the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. Since September 2020, teachers plan for in school lessons and also create a folder on your child's Seesaw account called REMOTE LEARNING, in case of self isolating or school closure. The work here sign posts children to pre-recorded videos and work mirroring work taught in school, with small adaptations in some subjects.

Accessing remote education

How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

Every child is provided with an individual log to SEESAW in order to access all the daily learning recorded lessons, resources and activities. Activities, tasks, power points, teaching videos and links are uploaded on a daily basis for pupils to carry out remote learning. They are uploaded daily by 8.00am and stay live for a week.
Each pupil is also provided with Microsoft TEAMS links in order to access any interactive live sessions with the class teacher. A class timetable for each year group is provided which identifies when these sessions will be held.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:
  • Surveys are carried out to identify pupil/family need
  • Families are informed that the school has a bank of laptops that can be loaned to families in need
  • School laptops are loaned to families in need using a loan agreement
  • Pupils who have no access to IT during lockdowns are invited to attend school under the ‘vulnerable’ category
  • Every pupil is provided with 3 sets of pupil work sheets with Reading, Writing and Maths and others subjects specifically designed for their ability in order to carry out learning without the need for IT devices
  • School will provide printed copies of all activities and work packs, where requested
  • Families will be invited to post or deliver work to school if they have no internet access so that feedback can be given. Or it can be returned when children return to school.
  • School will use the Government website to apply for routers or dongles for families without an internet connection
How will my child be taught remotely?
At Stag Lane Primary School we will use a range of remote teaching approaches which include but are not limited to:
  • Interactive drop in sessions for each year class once a week, which will be used for:
    • Welcome/ introduction
    • Registration
    • Wellbeing/pastoral care
    • Review of week's work highlighting pertinent teaching points
  • Daily help desk - Teachers are available on-line for 90 minutes daily for children and or parents to interact with them to clarify expectations about the day's learning, helping children understand news concepts they might be unsure of.
  • Recorded teaching e.g. personalised to meet differentiated needs of learners, Oak National Academy lessons, White Rose Lessons, other video/audio recordings made by teachers and teaching assistants
  • Additional videos from staff to support and promote pupil wellbeing
  • Live Guided Reading session at least once a week with every child.
  • Pre-teaching resources to support SEN learners and EAL learners, including adapted Interventions ensure these children do not miss out on their Personalised Provision Programmes
  • Printed workbooks to support learning in Reading, Writing and Maths eg CPG
  • Paper packs produced by teachers (e.g. workbooks, worksheets)
  • Free online subscriptions to a range of online learning programs to support the development of Literacy and Numeracy skills
  • Commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences

Engagement and feedback

What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?
Appropriate learning opportunities will be provided daily for pupils with the shared expectation that they will engage with the provision for the designated time, as set out in the DFE guidance. and above
Class teachers will upload work daily onto SEESAW for children to carry out with the appropriate adult support for their age.
Teachers will keep a detailed log of all pupil interaction and will make contact with families to offer support and advice if engagement is not satisfactory. Pupils who are unable to access remote learning provision despite receiving support will be invited to attend school each day where possible. Pupils will be asked to upload completed work daily and questions and queries will be responded to by members of staff. Feedback on work will also be provided for every piece of work uploaded, highlighting areas for improvement, with the opportunity to make amendments and returning the work for further marking.
Each pupil will be provided with differentiated work so that they can set themselves the appropriate challenge. Parents and carers will be signposted to the appropriate level as required. The school has worked hard to create a detailed and transparent Remote learning policy that clearly details the expectations of all stakeholders for Remote learning. This document is also subject to change in order to continually respond to the needs of the community during the pandemic:
Staff expect pupils to:
  • Be contactable during the hours of the school day 9am – 3pm, although they are not expected to be in front of a device the entire time
  • Access the work set by teachers and carry out the set daily tasks
  • Seek help if they need it, from teachers or teaching assistants either through the SEESAW chat or by going on-line during the Helpdesk times
  • Attend the interactive sessions regularly
  • Upload completed work for teachers to review and provide feedback, by 4pm each day
  • Alert teachers if they are not able to complete any work
  • Follow the agreed safeguarding protocols whilst attending interactive TEAMS sessions
  • Follow the guidelines above, regarding the expected time spent on Remote learning each day
Staff expect parents to:
  • Provide a daily structure and quiet location so that their child is able to access daily learning
  • Support their children with home learning as required
  • Seek help from the school if they require it either using the class email or telephone
  • Follow the school’s Parent Agreement for Microsoft Teams Interactive Sessions at all times
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
Each day teachers will upload work pre-recorded videos and follow-up work by 8.00am following the class timetable. Children are expected to upload completed work each day by 4.30pm. Teaching staff will provide feedback and areas for improvement. Formative assessment will be used to plan each day’s provision with a focus on addressing gaps in learning.
Staff will keep a weekly log of pupil engagement both with work on SEESAW and the work set whilst also monitoring individual pupil use of the designated websites to support and enhance learning. In line with the Remote learning policy staff will expect at least three pieces of work to be uploaded each day (depending on the Year Group) and this will be provided with appropriate feedback.
Staff members will make contact with families who are not engaging to offer help and support. This information will be shared with SLT who will then take further action if issues remain. If all attempts to make contact with a family are unsuccessful, a referral will be made to Harrow Social services so that a safeguarding check can be carried out.
All Remote learning logs are monitored and reviewed daily by classteachers and on a weekly basis by a designated member of SLT. Class teachers and Teaching assistants are encouraged to email a member of SLT as soon as there are any concerns regarding a child’s access to the Remote learning provision. This allows the school to investigate and provide prompt support. Any safeguarding concerns will be logged and acted upon immediately.
How will you assess my child’s work and progress?
Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others. Our approach to feeding back on pupil work is as follows:
  • Each pupil will receive written feedback focusing on the next steps in their learning in Maths and Numeracy
  • Class teachers and teaching assistants will also provide feedback on the previous day’s learning and the learning for the current day during the live Help Desk sessions, as required.
  • All emails and Seesaw chats requesting support and guidance will be responded to with a strong focus on providing learning support for parents and carers during these difficult times
  • Teaching assistants and the Pastoral Team will contact identified families each week to offer a further programme of support aimed at helping pupils with their learning and or emotional needs

Additional support for pupils with particular needs

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?
We recognise that some pupils, for example, some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in a variety of ways:
  • Teaching staff have adapted work and created personalised videos to meet the needs of these individuals
  • Our aim is to specifically enable SEN and EAL pupils to access the same learning they would have in school including any additional support they would have received to help them achieve their individual targets
  • all work is differentiated in order to meet the needs of all learners.
For our younger pupils
In EYFS and Year 1 the learning is specifically planned to support the delivery of the curriculum with a strong focus on learning through play, interaction and hands-on experience.
  • Daily videos are provided to support pupils to acquire phonic knowledge following Letters & Sounds
  • Pupils are encouraged to explore and be active using a hands-on approach to developing the core literacy and numeracy skills
  • High-quality videos and websites are used to reinforce this learning
  • Where possible, links are made to the home environment so that pupils can learn from a situation they are familiar with
Remote education for self-isolating pupils
Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.
If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?
In the event that a child is required to isolate whilst the rest of the class continue to remain in school, the class teacher will follow the procedures laid out below
  • Daily work will be uploaded to SEESAW consisting of power points and videos, usually from Oak Academy and White Rose.
  • This work will mirror the work being done in class and will cover all subjects in the curriculum
  • The learning objectives will be differentiated and teachers will make contact with these children, monitor their work and provide feedback at least once a week